Submission Guidelines
A submission that is not compliant with the guidelines and the general terms of use will be immediately removed.
Business Name
Please submit the real business name only.
Don't use categories, general terms, phone numbers, promotional messages, and locations in the business name. Don't use excessive punctuation.
The following examples are not permitted for submission:
Electric i
n Brooklyn NY
Joe Dow - Plumber in San Diego NY
Immigration Attorney
Gift Shop of
Austin TX
Call 718-718-7187 for Wholesale Prices
Bed Bugs Removal | Bed Bugs Terminator and etc.
Business Address
The address should contain the real business address.
If you need to control the address visibility, there is a setting in the business dashboard.
Don't add cities, states, names of buildings, or countries under the street address.
Example of malformed address:
Address: 1733 Main Str, Brooklyn NY
City: Brooklyn
State: NY
Zip: 11235Address: Main Street
City: Brooklyn
State: NY
Zip: 11235Address: 1733 Main
City: BrooklynNY ,
State: NY
Zip: 11235
Address: 1733 Main
City: Brooklyn, NY USA
State: NY Zip: 1123