Blocked Listing
All submissions go through a strict editorial validation process. If a submission is not incompliance with our terms of use, it will be denied.
There are a few common scenarios when your submission gets blocked.
- The business name contains a GEO place, telephone number, and promotional message.
- Malformed Address.
- Mismatched Country and Directory listings.
- The image did not pass editorial approval.
- Adult-Oriented Content.
- Pure Online Business.
- Duplicated Listing.
- Mismatched category. Intentionally mismatched category.
- Proxy or disposable emails as a business email. It includes SEO/Marketing agencies' emails as well.
- Unnatural Reviews.
- The agency has exceeded the maximum amount of free submissions.
- Your previous submissions already have been blocked for any of the reasons above.
Please contact us if we have blocked you in error: