How to Cancel My Paid Subscription

How can I cancel my paid subscription?

If you are having any trouble with steps below, Contact Us

1. Log in to the Business Dashboard.

2. Navigate to the   Advertising Dashboard.
3. Click on the "Change Plan" button.
4. Select the "Free" Package.
5. Click on the "Cancel" button to cancel the subscription.
Please note, your account will be downgraded on the day your subscription expires. 
For example, you have the "Basic Plan" that expires in 20 days. If you cancel the "Basic Plan" you will still be able to enjoy premium features for 20 days. 
On the 21st day, your account will be downgraded to the "Free Plan".

Can I call my Credit Card Company to Cancel Your Service?

No, don't call the credit card company to cancel services. You need to go through the cancellation process described above to cancel the subscription or Contact Us.

Can I cancel the subscription by pausing/deleting my listing or modifying the billing information?

No. You need to go through the cancellation process described above to cancel the subscription or Contact Us.

What is you refund policy?

We have no refund policy.
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