Photos & Videos

How can I upload pictures to my Business Profile?

Go to the Business Management Area. Click on "Photos". Select an image and click upload.

How can I delete pictures from my Business Profile?

Just click "Delete" next to the image you want to delete.

How can I make a particular picture default to my profile?

Click the "Default" button next to the image to make it "Default".

How can I add comments to my photos?

Click on " Add a Comment" next to the picture you want to comment on.

When I upload photos, I am sent to an error page that looks like I have lost my internet connection. Why does this happen?

Your picture should not exceed 1.5MB. If it is more than that your browser rejects the connection.

How can I add Videos to my Business Profile

Note: We are not hosting your videos. We are providing a mechanism to attach videos to your business listing. We only support YouTube.

How can I delete Videos from my Business Profile?

Just click "Delete" next to the Video you want to delete.
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